Sadly enough, one of the biggest dream killers in the world is tough circumstances. It’s very easy for people to put the blame on current circumstances and use them as an excuse for why they can’t do something or haven’t achieved a particular goal or dream.
I have fallen victim to my circumstances many times. I’d bore you if I began to list them all, so I’ll just share one example.
When I decided to not continue pursuing professional football after sustaining an injury with the Chicago Bears, I let my circumstances define my target market as a professional speaker.
I’d be invited to speak to corporate audiences but would make excuses such as “What can a 26-year-old possibly teach a successful businessman?” I continually drilled that into my head over and over again — so much so that it began to become my reality.
I became a victim of my circumstances. Over time, I caught myself and pulled myself out of this funk.
Tough circumstances are preventing individuals all over the world from reaching their full potential in life and from achieving their biggest goals and dreams. Don’t let this happen to you.
Where you are right now has nothing to do with where you can be five years from now.
Here are three ways to avoid becoming a victim of your circumstances:
1. Create a dream or vision board.
One reason why it can be so easy for circumstances to paralyze someone from taking action is because that person is blinded by where he or she is currently at in life.
Creating a dream or vision board can help tremendously with expanding your vision. Pick up a copy of your favorite magazine or search the Internet for images aligned with your goals and dreams.
Pictures can have a phenomenal effect on the mind and motivation. Every morning and night, glance at these pictures and spend five to 10 minutes imagining these images becoming part of your reality.
It will only be a matter of time before your current circumstances become just a stepping stone to something much greater.
2. Develop positive inner conversations.
Instead of telling yourself that this is where you’re supposed to be or that you just have to live with your current circumstances, empower yourself by telling yourself how great you are — that this is just an interlude for what’s to come.
Your current circumstances will always get the best of you if your inner conversation isn’t positive and empowering you to do something about them.
3. Hang around people who are doing better than you.
If you want to create new possibilities in your life, hang around people who are constantly working and searching for ways to maximize their potential. Association is everything, you’ll hear me say all the time.
The same goes for when you’re striving to not let your circumstances stop you from moving forward in life. Think about it this way: You can either surround yourself with people who inspire you to become better or those who help you stay average. Which do you want? It’s up to you to decide the category you fall in.