The eyes might be the window to the soul, but shoes are the window to just about everything else. What you choose to put on your feet actually does reflect something about you, whether it be laziness (socks with slip-on sandals), obliviousness (untied sneakers) or keen style savvy (those trendy suede desert boots we love so much).
Plus, it’s been reported that women judge men’s shoes twice as much as men judge women’s shoes — so guys, it pays to step up your footwear game. Whether you realize it or not, here is what your shoes are saying about you.*
This low-maintenance guy is easygoing, possibly to the point where “chill” becomes “absentminded.” We wouldn’t be surprised if he’s always arriving to things late.
Desert Boots
These suede ankle boots are trendy yet understated, masculine but not aggressive. This guy is detail-oriented and not at all flashy. Needless to say, we really like him.
Driving Mocs
This guy knows style… but he might be a little high-maintenance. Those baby-smooth leather and suede shoes do require much upkeep and care, after all.
Black Dress Shoes
This guy is pulled-together and knows how to show himself some self-respect, meaning (we hope) he’ll show others the same.
Rainbow Flip-Flops
With these laid-back shoes on, this dude signals he’s super chill without a care in the world. He also probably doesn’t feel pressured to succumb to societal expectations (even when maybe he should…).
These shoes might be intended for hiking, but chances are this dude hasn’t hit the trail in a while. More likely, he’s a not-so-rough guy just trying to look tough.
Sperry Boat Shoes
This guy is a traditionalist, i.e. someone who follows in his dad’s footsteps and still wears the shoes he wore every summer growing up.
We hate to be judgmental, but Merrells generally signal a dude’s mom is still shopping for him.
Air Jordans
This man is a serious sneakerhead… who might miss your birthday or skip out on a date to wait in line for the latest pair of Jordans. Hey, at least he demonstrates commitment?
A kid at heart who doesn’t take himself too seriously.
Lace-Up Oxfords
This solid, responsible dude means business. He dresses like a true gentleman… so hopefully he is one?
Retro Nikes
He tries to not be obvious about it, but this man really does care about looking cool and trendy. And he’s pretty good at it.
Sandals With Socks
This just looks lazy, not to mention silly. This dude somehow missed the memo that socks with sandals are simply unacceptable. You might wonder what else he’s missed the memo on…
Vibram FiveFingers
This guy marches to the beat of his own drum. And that’s all we’ll say about that.
*We acknowledge that one’s personality cannot be determined entirely from one’s shoes, and we don’t recommend totally writing off men who wear unattractive shoes. But hey, we’re still partial to guys with cute kicks.
Huffington Post