Top 10: Reasons Sex Makes Men Healthier

It’s a well-known fact that most men don’t need more reasons to have sex, but how many guys actually stop to think about the fact that sex could play a key…..


5 Things to Never Say to a Naked Woman

Love can be messy—especially the sex part. But to straighten things out, sometimes you have to start a difficult conversation. And that’s fine, if you do it with tact. “You…..


Creative Pickup Lines

I’m a believer in pickup lines. Your initial interaction with a woman is key, and few things break the ice better than a well-executed line. It’s science, guys: women are…..


Skills To Master By 30

Apart from the thought of all your exes getting cocktails together and talking about you, there’s nothing scarier for many men than the idea of turning the big 3-0. In…..


5 Things That Secretly Make Her Horny

Sure, there are obvious things a woman can do to indicate she’s interested in more than just your personality, like finding excuses to brush up against you at the bar……


15 Things She Wants You to Do For Her in Bed

We asked women for their greatest sexual desires and got this unbelievable list of tips, tricks, techniques, and fantasies. Read on to get the details—from the subtle stuff you may…..


What Should I Wear on a First Date?

Working up the courage to ask someone out is the tough part. Don’t waste anxiety on figuring out what to wear on the date. Find a no-fail uniform—and then replicate…..