Why Burpees Are the Most Badass Exercise

Burpees make everything burn: Your muscles, your lungs, and most importantly, a ton of calories. The exercise—which entails going from pushup position to a jump and back to a pushup…..


Top 10: Reasons Sex Makes Men Healthier

It’s a well-known fact that most men don’t need more reasons to have sex, but how many guys actually stop to think about the fact that sex could play a key…..


The 10 Best Websites For Your Career

1. LinkedIn.com The largest professional social networking site, LinkedIn has more than 175 million members in 200-some countries worldwide. People are signing up at approximately two new members a second……


The Playlist

Every Friday, we highlight the best (and, sometimes, worst) new music of the week in The Playlist. This week: New tracks from South African agitators Die Antwoord and the teenage…..


5 Things to Never Say to a Naked Woman

Love can be messy—especially the sex part. But to straighten things out, sometimes you have to start a difficult conversation. And that’s fine, if you do it with tact. “You…..